Vaginal secretions can be physiological or pathological. Even if the majority of secretions are not determined by a STDs, and do not need treatment, you should know that the STDs may have a symptom.
A normal loss is white and clear, like a white egg consistency, being harmless losses which vary concerning menses.
Treatment of leucorrhea.
In case of retaining foreign bodies, the majority can be manually eliminated, but sometimes can be very small (fibrous materials, pieces of condoms) which are not visible and need lavage. You need a short cure with antibiotics, in case when the objects remained there a long time such as to determine a secondary infection.
Chlamydia trachomatis - which can cause a purulent and abundant loss, sometimes appearing without any symptom. Untreated, this infection can cause an inflammatory pelvic disease.
Neisseria gonorhroeae - can cause purulent vaginal losses or can be asymptomatic. Among symptoms may appear intra menstrual bleedings. If it's untreated can cause an inflammatory pelvic disease, too.
Trichomonas vaginalis - it specially appears to young women and it is frequently associated with Neisseria Gonorrhoeae infection. It may determine a yellowish, abundant and foamy loss, associated with rashes, abdominal pains and indisposition. Many of the patients are asymptomatic. These symptoms may lead to a premature birth.