If after lengthy discussion "I want to be a stay at home mom" is something you still desire and your significant other is committed as well than you must decide if you can afford it. To do so, spend a month tracking every penny you spend and don't leave out anything! Write it all down and try to get through the whole month without using your credit card since you will not want to rely on it as a source of income if you are no longer working. At the end of the month take a look at the expenses you could cut out or reduce and the ones you can not.
If after analyzing your monthly expenses you still feel "I want to be a stay at home mom" than it is time to do your stay at home mom budget. Remember the goal; to spend less than what is coming in. If you can manage to make this work, than congratulations! Unfortunately this is usually where the two of you will realize that financially, having you stay home is just not possible. Don't give up yet though. If you still really want to be a stay at home mom than this is the time to start brainstorming on how you can make extra money while staying home.
The best thing to remember in this case is that your main job will be staying home and raising your kids, so keep your options open; you're not looking for that once in a lifetime career opportunity, you just want to make sure your family is financially free from the burden of debt. Many of us who though at one time "I want to be a stay at home mom" have come up with ways to earn additional income. If you are having trouble brainstorming you may want to take an online opportunity into serious consideration. Once you can determine how you will earn money from home, you can quite that day job, say goodbye to child care costs and start enjoying your children!
"I want to be a stay at home mom" is a desire for many women. With the right planning and commitment it can happen. If you are fortunate enough to have a significant other who can provide all the financial support you will need than you are very lucky. However, for most of us, we will find ourselves looking for additional ways to make ends meet. Many stay at home moms have turned to the online business world for that additional income. Making money online is possible with the right opportunity and provides the flexibility that every mom needs when working from home.