
Thursday, April 1, 2010

how to remove bikini line? bikini line removal method

There are several ways to remove bikini line hear in my article i have mentione some of them which will be useful for you...

A bikini line removal method that is known to be convenient and less painful is shaving. This technique does not cost much and can be carried out when one is alone. It is important to use an instrument that is particularly made for the removal of bikini hair during the shaving. You should always use a moist warm towel placed over the hair area you want to shave first! This softens hair and moisturizes skin to prepare for a clean close shave...

There are a number of safety razors and electronic gadgets on sale for this specific purpose. It should be known however, that there are some side effects associated with shaving and they include ingrown hairs, itching and razor bumps. Witch hazel can be applied afterward that could help prevent ingrown hairs and itching.

Bikini waxing presents another approach to bikini line removal and it entails the removal of hair straight from the roots by use of a particular waxing material thereby decreasing the rate of which hair will grow. This could be a monthly procedure. Quite a number of women have not embraced this technique as it can turn out to be quite painful and. If you fear waxing people often go for the laser removal approach. This procedure is rather painless but is a technical procedure that entails making use of laser beams to ensure hair is permanently excised. The procedure is somewhat restrictive due to the complicated procedure and the costs it entails.

Among the depilatory products that are associated with hair removal from the bikini line hair removal, are creams as well as lotions whose application is usually applied directly on the hair which subsequently and sometimes causes a reaction, an then the offending hair falls off. Where bikini line removal is concerned however, these products are advisable if you are not overly sensitive as they can cause itching and skin rashes.

There are some on the market that are hypo-allergenic that could work but as a whole the chemicals used in the manufacturing of these creams can be a cause of allergic reactions to the skin. Always perform a skin test first. Regardless of the method used in the removing of pubic hair, only approved instruments should be used. It is recommended that one consult an Electrolysis and skin care expert that deals with hair removal on bikini line.

Pregnancy is an exciting & difficult time in any parent's life. It's a time of change, growth, discovery and a lot of questions are in mind....
To help you find some answers, in this blog we've pulled together information on topics ranging from staying healthy and prenatal tests to things you should avoid while you are pregnant....hope this blog will help you....

Extend Fertility

Extend Fertility is committed to advancing the science of female egg banking. Working together to maximize success, Extend Fertility’s partner centers have made several proprietary improvements to the existing published protocols, often yielding better female egg banking results than appear in the current literature. Our centers are also currently involved
in an ongoing research study to improve the published data and significantly increase the number of babies born from egg banking.About Extend Fertility's Female Egg Banking Services
Extend Fertility is dedicated to enriching women's lives through revolutionary science and female egg banking services that can effectively slow down a woman's biological clock. By capturing a woman's healthy "young" eggs and cryopreserving them for use in the future, Extend can give each client the best chance scientifically possible at achieving her dream of biological motherhood later in life. Extend Fertility's egg banking services are delivered through their network of leading fertility centers across the country. Centers are nominated, approved and trained by Extend's Scientific and Medical Advisory Boards, which are comprised of experts in the field of female egg banking.

Women with Cancer

Many medical procedures, especially those directed at treating cancer, can compromise a woman’s fertility. Extend Fertility can help certain women about to undergo these treatments protect their ability to have children in the future. Our physicians will work closely with a patient’s primary medical team to determine which fertility preservation options are most appropriate.Further resources on cancer and fertility are
available through Fertile Hope, a national nonprofit organization providing reproductive information, support and hope to cancer patients.Women with a family history of Endometriosis, Premature Ovarian Failure, or Early Menopause A family history of endometriosis, premature ovarian failure, or early menopause can have a real impact on
a woman’s fertility. For more information on how fertility preservation could be an appropriate treatment for women who may become diagnosed with these conditions,
Each Extend Fertility client works closely with a personal Client Care Coordinator trained to lead you through the process from start to finish. This means that your Client Care Coordinator will help you:

* Understand your fertility
* Determine whether egg freezing is right for you
* Coordinate your treatment with an Extend
Fertility Partner center
* Arrange for your fertility testing
* Handle your financing and payments
* Arrange for the transportation and storage of
your eggs, and
* Answer any questions you have at any point
throughout the process