
Saturday, February 13, 2010


You've heard the joke before. A woman flies off the handle at work or at home and everyone around her chimes in with, "It must be that time of the month again." The joke, of course, misses the point that women, at times, actually do get upset by their demanding husbands, whiny kids, and stressful jobs. For some women, however, the joke holds more truth than they'd like to believe. For these women, "that time of the month" really is a period of emotional imbalance, anger, depression, and anxiety. Situations that they normally cope well with suddenly become insurmountable. And the energy and health they enjoy most of the time give way to fatigue, achiness, and weight gain almost overnight. These women have what is known as premenstrual syndrome, or PMS, a condition that has no known cause and no complete cure. But research into the topic has brought about several theories as to what may make some women more vulnerable to PMS. "The two most widely held theories, neither of which has huge support, include an ovarian hormone imbalance of either estrogen or progesterone and a brain hormone change or deficiency," says Harold Zimmer, M.D., an obstetrician and gynecologist in private practice in Bellevue, Washington. Zimmer stresses that no single cause of PMS has ever been proven and that much of the research is contradictory. Whatever the cause, the symptoms can include anxiety, irritability, mood swings, and anger; indeed, these symptoms occur in more than 80 percent of women who suffer from PMS. Other symptoms may include sugar cravings, fatigue, headaches, dizziness, shakiness, abdominal bloating, breast tenderness, and overall swelling. Much less common are depression, memory loss, and feelings of isolation. The symptoms, and their severity, vary from woman to woman. "Symptoms are definitely cyclic, and that is one of the main criteria for diagnosing this condition. And the symptoms generally disappear with the onset of the woman's period," says Phyllis Frey, A.R.N.P., a nurse practitioner at Bellegrove OB-GYN, Inc., in Bellevue, Washington. "It's often the emotional symptoms that bring people in to the doctor," she adds. As for what you can do to relieve the discomfort of PMS, there are several home remedies. And according to Zimmer, the home remedies probably work as well as, or better than, the medical remedies available. Here's what you can try:

Maintain a well-balanced diet.

Include lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, starches, raw seeds and nuts, fish, poultry, and whole grains. "It is just sort of common sense dietary measures," says Zimmer.

Go easy on sugar.

Your cravings for sugar may be strong during this time, but giving in to the sugar craving may make you feel even worse and can intensify your feelings of irritability and anxiety. To make fending off your sugar cravings a little easier, try keeping healthy snacks readily available and keeping sugary foods out of the house--or at least out of your reach. If you can't give up the sweets completely, try eating only small amounts at a time, and opt for things like fruits or apple juice that can help satisfy your sugar craving and provide nutrients.

Eat small, frequent meals.

You don't want to go long periods without food because that can potentially intensify your premenstrual symptoms as well, says Zimmer.

Avoid alcohol.

Both Zimmer and Frey stress that alcohol will only make you feel more depressed and fatigued. Alcohol also depletes the body's stores of B vitamins and minerals and disrupts carbohydrate metabolism. It also disrupts the liver's ability to metabolize hormones, which can lead to higher-than-normal estrogen levels. So if you need to be holding a beverage at that party, try a nonalcoholic cocktail, such as mineral water with a twist of lime or lemon or a dash of bitters.

Cut down on caffeinated beverages.

These include coffee, tea, and colas. Caffeine can intensify anxiety, irritability, and mood swings. It may also increase breast tenderness. Try substituting water-processed decaffeinated coffee; grain-based coffee substitutes such as Pero, Postum, and Caffix; and ginger tea.

Cut the fat.

Eating too much dietary fat can interfere with liver efficiency. And some beef contains small amounts of synthetic estrogens. Too much protein can also increase the body's demand for minerals. Opt for smaller servings of lean meats, fish or seafood, beans, peas, seeds, and nuts. Use more whole grains, rice, vegetables, and fruits to fill out your meals.

Put down the salt shaker.

Table salt and high-sodium foods such as bouillon, commercial salad dressings, catsup, and hot dogs can worsen fluid retention, bloating, and breast tenderness.Practice stress management."Learning to control and reduce your level of stress has a great effect on reducing the symptoms of PMS," says Zimmer. Try joining a stress-management or stress-reduction program at your local hospital or community college; learning biofeedback techniques; meditating; exercising; or doing anything that helps you to relax and cope with stress.Try not to plan big events during your PMS time."I don't like to encourage my patients to plan their lives around their menstrual cycle, but if they have the option of planning a big social event at some time other than their PMS time, it would help them out to do so," says Zimmer. "The increased stress of the event will only make the PMS symptoms worse," he adds.

Exercise aerobically.

"Besides being a great stress reducer, aerobic exercise triggers the release of endorphins (the natural brain opiates) and produces a 'runner's high,'" says Zimmer. "Good forms of aerobic exercise include running, stair-stepping, bicycling, or taking an aerobics class," he continues. "The social environment of a health club can also make you feel better by encouraging you to interact with other people," he adds. He also goes on to say that increasing the pelvic circulation can help to rid the body of some of the bloating associated with PMS. Try to exercise for 20 to 30 minutes at least three times a week. If you are too fatigued to exercise during the actual PMS period, don't. Doing so the rest of the month should help in itself.

Talk it over.

Try to explain to your loved ones and close friends the reason for your erratic behavior. "One of the biggest stresses on a woman during this time is family. And it's not only the stress of feeling bad when she flies off the handle at someone, but also of having to apologize for her behavior later on," says Zimmer. He recommends enlisting the aid of your family and close friends by asking them to understand what the problem is and to realize that when you lash out at them you are not as in control as you would like to be. "If your child is really acting out and yelling at you for something during your PMS time, you might remind him that this is not the best time for him to be getting you angry. Hopefully, he'll see this as his cue to go outside and play," Zimmer explains. "You have to walk a fine line, though, and not begin using PMS as an excuse to be nasty to people," he adds. If the emotional symptoms are causing problems in your relationships, consider getting some counseling from a mental-health professional. Ask your physician to refer you to someone.

Pregnancy is an exciting & difficult time in any parent's life. It's a time of change, growth, discovery and a lot of questions are in mind....
To help you find some answers, in this blog we've pulled together information on topics ranging from staying healthy and prenatal tests to things you should avoid while you are pregnant....hope this blog will help you....

Extend Fertility

Extend Fertility is committed to advancing the science of female egg banking. Working together to maximize success, Extend Fertility’s partner centers have made several proprietary improvements to the existing published protocols, often yielding better female egg banking results than appear in the current literature. Our centers are also currently involved
in an ongoing research study to improve the published data and significantly increase the number of babies born from egg banking.About Extend Fertility's Female Egg Banking Services
Extend Fertility is dedicated to enriching women's lives through revolutionary science and female egg banking services that can effectively slow down a woman's biological clock. By capturing a woman's healthy "young" eggs and cryopreserving them for use in the future, Extend can give each client the best chance scientifically possible at achieving her dream of biological motherhood later in life. Extend Fertility's egg banking services are delivered through their network of leading fertility centers across the country. Centers are nominated, approved and trained by Extend's Scientific and Medical Advisory Boards, which are comprised of experts in the field of female egg banking.

Women with Cancer

Many medical procedures, especially those directed at treating cancer, can compromise a woman’s fertility. Extend Fertility can help certain women about to undergo these treatments protect their ability to have children in the future. Our physicians will work closely with a patient’s primary medical team to determine which fertility preservation options are most appropriate.Further resources on cancer and fertility are
available through Fertile Hope, a national nonprofit organization providing reproductive information, support and hope to cancer patients.Women with a family history of Endometriosis, Premature Ovarian Failure, or Early Menopause A family history of endometriosis, premature ovarian failure, or early menopause can have a real impact on
a woman’s fertility. For more information on how fertility preservation could be an appropriate treatment for women who may become diagnosed with these conditions,
Each Extend Fertility client works closely with a personal Client Care Coordinator trained to lead you through the process from start to finish. This means that your Client Care Coordinator will help you:

* Understand your fertility
* Determine whether egg freezing is right for you
* Coordinate your treatment with an Extend
Fertility Partner center
* Arrange for your fertility testing
* Handle your financing and payments
* Arrange for the transportation and storage of
your eggs, and
* Answer any questions you have at any point
throughout the process